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电 话:400-995-3055   

邮 箱:whr126@126.com   

地 址:石家庄高新区湘江道319号                                                           



    石家庄万伏电子科技有限公司始创于2000年,是一家专 业生产电源逆变器、开关电源的生产厂家,集研发,制造, 销售,服务于一体的高新技术企业。

生产基地坐落于石家庄国家高新技术产业开发区天山科 技工业园。公司始终坚持以“信誉为本,质量第一”为经营理 念,以“质优、价低、服务好”为宗旨,严格按照ISO9001 质量标准及相关管理体系运作。公司现拥有多项产品专利和 优秀的科技人才,研发实验室技术力量雄厚,性能测试实验 室领先同行业水平,生产设备先进。公司拥有“金诚龙”“诚龙”、“恒联”、“海龙盛丰”、“牛元帅”、“公狮”多个品牌,产品经权威技术部门检验合格,并先 后通过了3C,CE及RoHS认证。

公司产品出厂前经严格测试,100%高温满载老化。产品广泛应用于办公设备、生活电器、车载使用、太阳能 蓄电池、邮电、通讯、电力、煤矿、铁路、安防、仪器仪表、LED照明、显示器及各工业、医疗设备等领域,产 品畅销世界各地。



企业核心经营理念:盖伦电子科技有限公司作为一家专业化的科技生产企业,致力于为客户提供优质的人 性化产品,传承“务实进取,追求卓越”的企业精神,以“求真,务实,创新”为企业价值观,以饱满的热 情,鲜活的力量朝着更高的目标努力奋进!


Shijiazhuang Wanfu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000 and is a professional manufacturer of power inverters and switching power supplies. It is a high-tech enterprise that integrates research and development, manufacturing, sales, and service.

The production base is located in Tianshan Science and Technology Industrial Park, Shijiazhuang National High tech Industrial Development Zone. The company always adheres to the business philosophy of "reputation first, quality first", with the aim of "excellent quality, low price, and good service", and operates strictly in accordance with ISO9001 quality standards and related management systems. The company currently has multiple product patents and excellent scientific and technological talents. The R&D laboratory has strong technical strength, the performance testing laboratory is leading the industry level, and the production equipment is advanced. The company owns the 'Jincheng Dragon'

Multiple brands such as "Chenglong", "Henglian", "Hailong Shengfeng", "Niu Marshal", and "Gongshi" have passed the inspection and certification of 3C, CE, and RoHS by authoritative technical departments.

The company's products undergo strict testing before leaving the factory, with 100% high-temperature and full load aging. The product is widely used in office equipment, household appliances, car use, solar batteries, postal and telecommunications, power, coal mines, railways, security, instrumentation, LED lighting, displays, and various industrial and medical equipment fields. The product is sold well all over the world.

Our company is leading in technology, quality, and brand influence

Our company's quality policy is to promote enterprise development through technology, create well-known brands, continuously improve, and satisfy customers.

Core business philosophy of the enterprise: As a specialized technology production enterprise, Galen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to providing customers with high-quality humanized products, inheriting the corporate spirit of "pragmatic and enterprising, pursuing excellence", and taking "seeking truth, pragmatism, and innovation" as the enterprise values. With full enthusiasm and fresh strength, we strive towards higher goals!

Accepting OEM and customizing various non-standard power supplies
